Kirby Casilli Walking Ways
Dates: 27 February, 6 March
What kind of day is it today?
It’s about where you’re going and that you were there.
It’s about letting that person feel like they’ve been exposed to something new about a place.
These in situ pattern makers.
Taking place as a one on one performance over the phone. You can participate in this work from wherever you are situated.
We will communicate with each other
You can choose to walk, talk, sit, take time to yourself during this time
The methods of communication will not be limited to verbal interaction, they can pertain to images, text, drawing etc.
You are invited to book in advance
for a 30 minute session with Kirby Casilli
Sessions are available on Saturday afternoons, 12 -4pm.
Kirby Casilli is a socio-spatial body working in multiple channels of performance. Adopting movement & communication as a methodology to underpin the points of tension that arise from the criticality & destruction of social order, along with surveying their findings through discursive modes of drawing, as an extension of their process-based and self-revelatory practice. Casilli typically works in broad movements contiguous to sifting through spaces.
Kirby Casilli has held a consistent practice through literary, vocal, drawing, and dance performance work.
Casilli has exhibited and performed work nationally at Mejia Gallery, Seventh Gallery, Tinning St, Sutton Project Space, Womadelaide, Howler, MPavillion, Margaret Lawrence, Angel Bar, Irene Rose, and Neon Parc. And has collaborated internationally for the International Conference of Live Coding in both Madrid and New York City.