Marcin Wojcik Malleable Scenario
Opening: Wednesday 16 March, 6-8pm Dates: 16 March – 2 April 2016
Reaching ‘the scene’ attempts to manifest the elusive state available only to those who commit themselves to a moment’s endurance. Going alone with eyes set on some enigmatic endpoint on a set course / line / road. In this body of work, the re-constructed scenario’s pits the solitary athlete (a cyclist) against multiple horizons (the scene) in a perpetual pursuit. Here the cast cyclist peddles endlessly forward around a velodrome, up a mountain as well as attempting to chase the unattainable. The aim of the task is to commit and give everything – to practice and exercise through the pain and the zen of repetition. Further, each scenario gestures a depth of the horizon we all chase but what is given instead are abstracted clues, some of which finished with a flat hum of ‘special effects process blue’ – in this case, a colour field used to emanate the act of entering ’the zone’
Marcin Wojcik completed his Bachelor of Fine Art (Hons) in Sculpture at the Victorian College of the Arts in 2010. His work uses the theatricality of performance and its manifestation as roles, props and scenes to interrogate the themes of exploration, masculinity, adventure and adversity. Wojcik constructs environments often involving various activities ranging from cycling, rowing to climbing. The interior of these constructed ‘scenes’ are painted in a’ blue’ tone used for cinematic blue screen special effects which, in turn, invites onlookers to ‘step into,’ or project their own scene onto these scenarios. Facilitating Wojcik’s overall performance are the props that support both the changing role types and the scene. These props specifically assist the suturing of the artist into a collection of roles, but also function as part of the scene itself. These objects leave traces of contact within each setting, as some props enter the scene while others are left behind.