Mel Dixon Measure of Biography
Opening: Wednesday 13 March 6 - 8 pm Dates: 13 March - 6 April 2019
Measure of Biography
‘Measure of Biography’ is a spatial work based on two biographical notes written 30 years apart on the life of Virginia Woolf, highlighting the ways that time erases and reconstructs biography. The work consists of actions, reading, tactile frequency, sound, movement and pressure. It raises questions surrounding the use of biography over time as a constructed and illusionary assemblage of mythology and memory; and how this changes our relationship between ourselves and the world.
This is a practice of speculative feeling - measuring what can exist beyond perception or the mind’s imaginativeness, is the empathic nature of biography. A fusion of self and story, of telling and listening; of inhalation and exhalation. With the use of ready-made and handmade sculpture, photographic images, text and performance, the work aims to highlight the texture of biographical writings when compared and contrasted throughout time.
On the opening night March 13th and the closing day April 6th, the exhibition will feature a performance of measuring by Lauren Brown.
Mel Dixon is a Melbourne-based artist and writer interested in how the psychological paradoxes of self, feelings and memory interact and exist within space and perceived emotional constructs. Her art practice investigates and examines the psychological paradoxes of the self, memory and psychogeography. Through the creation of built environments, installation, sculpture and photographic images she looks to challenge how materiality is liminal in both action and response. Her practice incorporates extensive research into psychosocial experience of transitional spaces, architecture and emotive culture; revisiting themes of childhood experience, transitional objects and how objects and spaces can hold memory and inform experience. Mel graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art in 2017 and BFA Honours in 2018 from the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne. Her recent shows include My imaginary Friend was a Feeling, Kings ARI in 2016, TOYS ‘R’ US, Second Space Projects in 2017 and New Perspectives, Crowther Contemporary in 2018.