Kei Te Pai Press, Concentric Curriculum (Re)imagining Indigenous futures: an education program towards revolution
Dates: Throughout June and July 2020
(Re)imagining Indigenous futures: an education program towards revolution is a project by Kei Te Pai Press.
In this programme, we will read Ani Mikaere, Leonie Pihama, Angela Davis, Tiqqun, Linda Tuhiwai-Smith, Moana Jackson, Russel Means, bell hooks, Jackie Wang, Brenna Bhandar and Te Kawehau Hoskins, amongst many others. It is being co-taught by Morgan Godfery and Hana Pera Aoake, with guest artist presentations from Jade Townsend, Ana Iti, Leonie Hayden and Léuli Eshrāghi, with special guests to be confirmed later.
Each Wednesday at 12pm we are delighted to share a series of voice recordings as part of “(Re)imagining Indigenous futures: an education program towards revolution”, a project by Kei Te Pai press.
Tune in to listen via Bus Radio ‘On-air’ link in the bottom right of our website!
These voice recordings were recorded on Kai Tahu land in Wanaka in Te wai pounamu in the settler colony, New Zealand.
These recordings are taken from “Mana Wahine Reader: A collection of Writings 1987-1998 Volume I”, Edited by: Leonie Pihama, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Naomi Simmonds, Joeliee Seed-Pihama and Kirsten Gabel. First Published 2019 by Te Kotahi Research Institute Hamilton, Aotearoa/ New Zealand (Cover illustration is by Robyn Kahukiwa).
This collection is available online:
Wednesday 8th July, 12pm:
“Maaori women: Caught in the contradictions of a colonised reality” by Annie* Mikaere
Wednesday 15th July, 12pm:
“To us the dreamers are important” by Rangimarie Mihomiho Rose Pere
Wednesday 22nd July, 12pm:
A reading of “What Counts as Difference and what differences count” by Patricia Johnson and Leonie Pihama (In two parts)
Wednesday 29nd July, 12pm:
“Decolonising Methodologies: Research and Indigenous People”, Second Edition by Linda Tuhiwai Smith. Dunedin, Otago: Otago University Press, 2012 (First edition published 1999)
Readings from:
Chapter 2: Research through imperial eyes (In two parts)
Chapter 8: Twenty-five indigenous projects (In three parts)
Chapter ten: Towards developing Indigenous Methodologies: Kaupapa Maaori research (in two parts)
“Critical conversations in kaupapa maaori”, edited by Alison Jones and Te Kawehau Hoskins. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2017. A reading from Chapter four: ‘Non human others and Kaupapa Maori research’ by Alison Jones and Te Kawehau Hoskins.
Wednesday 5th August, 12pm:
“The Connection between white supremacy and colonisation” by Dr Moana Jackson on E-tangata;
“Introduction / 'Maaori and the criminal justice system'” by Dr Moana Jackson; and
-Introduction by Kathleen Cleaver from The wages of whiteness by David R. Roediger
Wednesday 12th August, 12pm:
“On the experience of Moral Confusion” by David Graeber from ‘Debt the first 5000 years’ by David Graeber (In two parts); and
“Race, real estate and real abstraction” by Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano on Rasdical Philosophy (In two parts)
Wednesday 19th August, 12pm:
‘Racialized punishment and prison abolition’ in The Angela Davis Reader
Wednesday 26th August, 12pm:
“Panopticism” Chapter three Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault (in three parts)
Wednesday 2nd September, 12pm:
“Racialized accumulation by dispossession in the age of finance capital: Notes on the debt economy” by Jackie Wang from Carceral Capitalism
Wednesday 9th September, 12pm:
Against innocence by Jackie Wang from Carceral Capitalism
Wednesday 16th September, 12pm:
“The Neo-Māori Activists” in Struggle Without End by Ranginui Walker
Wednesday 22nd September, 12pm:
Re-making Memory on Matiu and Other “Settlement” Sites by Rachel Buchanan
Wednesday 30th September, 12pm:
“Politics and knowledge: Kaupapa Maori and matauranga Maori” by Te Ahukaramu Charles Royal.
Wednesday 7th October, 12pm:
“A New Geography of Centers and Margins: Summary and Implications” from The City Reader by Richard T. LeGates (Editor) and Frederic Stout (Editor)
Wednesday 14th October, 12pm:
Mierle Laderman Ukeles’s Maintenance art manifesto 1969!
Wednesday 28th October, 12pm:
“For America to Live, Europe Must Die” by Russell Means
These recordings were made for educational purposes. We acknowledge the mahi of Leonie Pihama, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Naomi Simmonds, Joeliee Seed-Pihama and Kirsten Gabel in bringing this collection into fruition. We share these recordings with the desire to share these ideas and make them accessible, as well as to share and amplify the voices within this incredible collection of writing. Nga mihi nui.
Kei te pai press is a publishing project based in the settler colony, New Zealand.
Kei te pai press came out of a feeling of impotence, despair and frustration on Waitangi day 2020.
Kei te pai press is a project intended to undermine ongoing colonial violence, dispossession and alienation.
Kei te pai press is dedicated to fostering criticality, learning and sharing.
Kei te pai press is dedicated to publishing mahi primarily by indigenous writers, but is always open to collaboration.
Kei te pai is interested in prioritising narratives centered around sovereignty, potentiality and resistance.
Kei te pai publishes personal essays, interviews, short stories, poetry and prose at specific times of the year.
(Kei te pai also publish videos, illustration and photography. )
Kei te pai publishes a journal twice a year and has chapbook projects in process.