SWAN SWAN Performance
Dates: Saturday 3rd August 12-4pm
Matter folding, into matter. Atom bonding to atom; atom un-bonding from atom. They/it/you/yours artist Mish navigates disabilities. There may be a live performance in space which will consist of Mish and Gen Fry playing harps; The wings from the band Swan. It is most likely though that the performance will be a pre-recorded musical piece, that will be played by a Suportworker through a speaker. This will happen If this is as close as Mishka can get to the space. know that if you hear the artist playing harp through a speaker in the space They/it/you hears Gen playing harp in person if they are bedridden at the same time. The artist has been writing a song to process the progression of their degenerative condition. They/it/you/yours explores the concept of a swan song. The swan song is told in many folk law traditions, including that of their father’s family, he was a refugee who fled a war, They/it/you/yours don’t know his family and have/will never make it to his homeland. The swan song describes a moment where a swan sings/cries-out beautifully in a human voice departing its wisdom once before their death. The artist explores narratives around passing over. As the survivor of a near death experience, now facing an oncoming early death with tender affection, bone into dust into dirt into sediment, stone then gem.
The performance may be in person or a pre-recorder piece played through a speaker depending on the capacity/heath of the disabled artist.