Zoë Bastin That Which Was Once Familiar
Dates: Screening 6pm, 23rd October 2020
Since childhood Bastin’s been fascinated by gender roles in dance class; particularly who’s allowed to do what and why. That Which Was Once Familiar asks a diverse group of female and non-binary dancers about their experiences of gender in traditional dance forms. Using scored movement, improvisation and dancers performing in chorus, this work is about our journey of transformation finding freedom and autonomy beyond gendered constraints.
For catch up viewing or youtube screening issues, you can also watch the work on Vimeo from 6pm, 23rd October!
‘That Which Was Once Familiar’, 2020, Single channel video. Performed by Hayley Does, Al Jefimenko, Julia Luby, Sue Hockey, Tizana Saunders, Ebony Muller and Zoë Bastin. Produced by Chantelle Mitchell. Edited by Ella Sowinska.
Music by Lewis Gittus. This work is presented by Bus Projects. Supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program.