Sheena Colquhoun, Danielle Hakim, Grant Nimmo, Dan Peter Petersen, Kenny Pittock, Georgia Robenstone, and Simon Zoric Um…titled
Opening: Wednesday 3 February, 6-8pm Dates: 3-20 February 2016
- (used as an expression of doubt, hesitation, deliberation, interest, etc.)
Um…titled reflects on the indecision, uncertainty and self-doubt which so often goes hand in hand with creative practices. The seven exhibiting artists straddle the line between sincerity and humour, offering insightful yet self-deprecating observations about negotiating the complex terrain of art world structures and the contemporary condition.
Image credit: Sheena Colquhoun, Hold on, one more hour, 2015, digital video, 7:02min (video still)
This project is supported by the City of Yarra