Un Projects Un Mazagine 13.2 Launch
Opening: Saturday 2 November, 3-5pm
Please join us for the launch party of un Magazine 13.2: The Melbourne Model, co-edited by Bobuq Sayed & Hugh Childers with Assistant Editor Jo Pugh. We’ll have readings/performances from contributors Joel Spring, Sophie Chauhan and Debris Facility, plus drinks and nibbles.
‘This issue of un Magazine, which adopts The University as its central axis, features contributions by undergraduate students, professors and those who operate outside of the context of the University entirely — as much as there is an outside. Among each contribution is an audit of ‘study’ — study as materiality, as an aesthetic experience and as an exercise in politicality.’
—Editorial, un Magazine 13.2
Featuring writing & art by: Richard Birkett, Andrew Norman Wilson, Kōtare (fka DJ Sezzo), Debris Facility, Joel Sherwood-Spring and Carol Que, Samoa House Library, Torika Bolatagici, Paul Boyé, Melinda Reid, Rosemary Forde, anonymous, Sophie Chauhan, Kym Maxwell, Rosemary Overell, Michael Stevenson and Anna Parlane, Ariane Jaccarini (cover)